Features to be considered before buying a laptop

Hi everybody .. i just had my sem exams. Thought of posting something about laptops and what are the factors that are to be taken care while buying a laptop. This article is bounded only on the point of view of laptops. A laptop is different from a desktop computer. It has different features and functions. Let me come to the point .
There are few things that are to be taken care while taking a laptop.

1. Weight and Size

Weight : The lighter the laptop, the easier it is to move around. Prices usually have an inverse relationship with the weight of a laptop.
On the other end the features of a laptop which would affect the weight of the laptop, which can be if it has a powerful graphics card, or a larger screen etc. The laptop will end up being comparatively heavier and more expensive. So keep a look out for that.
So the point is, i> If you are taking laptop outside the home often then go for the lighter and if the laptop will be in home all the time then you can compromise with the features of laptop[bulkier].
This was all about its size
Size:  The most common screen size of laptop is 14.4.. Again here, the small screens will be a boon  for travelers. And for home users a bigger screens of 15.5 or 17" .
awesome laptop
laptop selection
how to select a laptop


In laptops there wont be a hand-driven mouse instead we will be having a touch pad[track pad] or a pointing stick. So now if you were having a desktop before you need to cope with touchpad!
Hard-core gaming with these devices might be a little problematic.


Batteries of laptop are nothing but the built-in UPS. Battery backup is the biggest boon of laptop. Because of battery backup only the laptop has become so famous.The main feature you need to look in buying a laptop is its battery back up. How many hours the laptop works without power this is the point to be noted.


There are many things you need to take into account while buying a laptop.
Whether it is LCD?
Whether it is LED?
Whether it is capable of HD?
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display.. this is which is use in general.
LED: Light Emitting Diode.. this gives better quality of image..it consumes less power as compared to LCD
HD: High defination.. should take care whether it is capable of HD o not [if HD quality is required :p].
And now a days there are talks of 3D also.


All laptops have cramped keyboards, but at least try to find a laptop with a keyboard with which you can comfortably type. Also, consider getting a spill-resistant keyboard if you have kids or work in a “spill” type environment.

And at last the most important thing to be noted.

Your Compatibility:  If possible, “test-drive” a laptop before purchasing it. A laptop is different from a computer. In a computer if you don’t like your mouse or cd-rom drive you can replace it. In a laptop that is not possible. Once you buy it, you either keep the complete piece or you throw away the complete piece. (Please don’t throw it away. Give it to me! :p) It is hard to replace an annoying keyboard, an irritating touch pad device, or a poor display. So make sure that you're okay with your laptop by playing around with it.

And i am finally ending my post on features of laptop that are to be taken care. But this post was only bounded to laptops.. Here nothing is discussed about OS, Performance speed , RAM, Hard Disk, Graphics etc etc.. About all these I will be writing in another post.. WAIT FOR IT :p . Thank you hope this gave you some idea about buying a laptop.

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