Some Google and Internet Tricks

Advanced Searching
  • ~ Searches brings synonyms of the search term. Example: ~study
  • Domain Restrict searches enables Google to search only one domain address instead of the entire Internet.  Example: Art
  • Number Range searches the span of two numbers, separated by two periods, with no spaces Example: digital camera $250..$450
  • Language searches specify which language you would like your results returned in.
  • Date searches restrict the results to the past three, six, or twelve months.
  • Occurrences searches specify where your search terms occur on the page - anywhere on the page, in the title, or in the URL.
Google Calculator
To use Google's built-in calculator function, simply enter the calculation you'd like done into the search box and hit the Enter key or click on the Google Search button. The calculator can solve math problems involving basic arithmetic, more complicated math, units of measure and conversions, and physical constants. More about calculator

Google Definitions
To see a definition for a word or phrase, simply type the word "define," then a space, and then the word(s) you want defined. If Google has seen a definition for the word or phrase on the Web, it will retrieve that information and display it at the top of your search results.

File Types
If you prefer to see a particular set of results with a specific file type (for example, PDF links), simply type filetype:[extension] (for example, filetype:pdf) within the search box along with your search term(s).

I'm Feeling Lucky The "I'm Feeling Lucky™" button takes you directly to the first web page Google returned for your query. You will not see the other search results at all. An "I'm Feeling Lucky" search means you spend less time searching for web pages and more time looking at them. 

Local Search
Google Local enables you to search the entire web for just those stores and businesses in a specific neighborhood. Include a city or zip code in your search and Google displays relevant results from that region at the top of your search results.

Phone BookTo find listings for a US residence, type any of the following combinations into the Google search box:

first name (or first initial), last name, city (state is optional)
first name (or first initial), last name, state
first name (or first initial), last name, area code
first name (or first initial), last name, zip code
phone number, including area code
last name, city, state
last name, zip code 

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